What is Agricultural Classification?
An Agricultural Classification, more commonly known as "Greenbelt", is not an exemption, although, it can lower your assessed value and consequently the amount of taxes owed. Rather, it is a classification of different types of agricultural property such as timber, pasture, cropland, nurseries, etc. Only lands primarily used for bona fide agricultural purposes shall receive an Agricultural Classification.
How do I qualify?
In order to be considered for Agricultural Classification, Florida law states you must be involved in a Bona Fide Commercial Agricultural Practice (FS 193.461). Department of Revenue rule 12D-5.001 defines this as follow: Good faith commercial agricultural use of property is defined as the pursuit of an agricultural activity for a reasonable profit or at least upon a reasonable expectation of meeting investment cost and realizing a reasonable profit.
If you are not intending to produce an agricultural product that you intend to sell for profit as a legitimate agricultural business you DO NOT qualify for Agricultural Classification.
How do I apply?
Applications for Agricultural Classification are due no later than March 1st and your agricultural operation must be in practice as of January 1st of the year you're applying. You can complete the application on this page and return it or you can pick up an application in person at our office. If you should have any questions regarding the application or whether you may qualify please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Ag Classification Application